
Woke up to a blanket of snow this morning. Nothing crazy but enough for that good crunch when you step on it.

We went for a short walk (4km in total) in the morning and just had dodge the puddles, it was actually better to walk in the snow at the side of the path at times! This photo is taken along the way. We haven’t seen proper snow in over 5 years now so this was very exciting for us!

After the walk we had an excellent lunch at the Old Smithy cafe, sampling Derbyshire oatcakes for the first time (delicious) then through to Bakewell. Well, when in Bakewell... you have to sample their tasty treats too. We took a few home including the original Bakewell pudding. Amazed I found this better than the more common tart. Pictures on Instagram.

Stop in past a local brewery for some supplies for me for the next few weeks then home!

By that time almost all the snow had melted! Was fun while it lasted!

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