All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Hot chocolate

Granny and Grandpa brought Ethan back over to Livingston today as he has been staying with them for the past 2 nights. As today is normally a nursery day for him though they took him straight to nursery, albeit about 2 hours later than he usually goes.

It was lovely to have him back home again once hubbie had picked him up this evening. He has even had a (long overdue) haircut while he has been away!

Last week, we decided we really needed to bite the bullet and wean him off his baby bottles. We've been trying ever since he was a year old, with no success. In fact over the past few months he's probably wanting them MORE as he seems to use his "bobo" as a comforter and asks for a warm/cold bottle of milk first thing in the morning, last thing at night and when he's tired / upset too. At 3 years old we figured it was time to get tough. So we told him his bottles were going to his baby cousin Ramsey as he is only little and Ethan is a big boy. Although upset about this, he has dealt with it better than we expected and we've only had a few tears. The only thing is he is now refusing to drink milk at all as he won't take it in a cup / mug!

So tonight I offered him a hot chocolate which he LOVED. I made it very milky with not much chocolate but it's not something I want him to get in the habit of having every night. What's the betting he'll now start asking for one each bedtime though!

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