
By Houseonahill6

Snow time :)

It started snowing during the night and we woke to a covering which had frozen as the temperature dropped below freezing.
Plenty of birds around and you just have to blip a robin on a snowy day :) Had a quick glimpse of a male bullfinch too.
I waited patiently until 12 o clock when we could download the invoice for the yearly Brownie subs to Girlguiding. With two groups it came to over £1000, so now a big hole in the bank account. Went down and posted them so they should be on their way.
We drove to Udale bay stopping at a newly formed Loch on the way. It appears after a period of heavy rain and used to be used to soak hemp. Wildlife has already been attracted to the area including a pair of mallards, a heron and yellow hammer singing in the long grasses.
At Udale bay we were amazed to see and hear a skylark and see a stonechat.
Brownies was fun making vegan pancakes and creatures made out of vegetables and fruit. The girls put on blindfolds and had to guess which fruit or vegetable they were holding.
One of the girls brought in some elastics / French skipping rope so we enjoyed remembering games we played as a child.

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