As mentioned yesterday, Mr A has managed to catch himself a cold (botherations). So, I'm staying clear but he did say jokingly that what he needs is some of that "Eritrea" stuff...knowing full well that it would make me smile knowing he meant Echinacea.
This afternoon I banished him from the "work room" so I could get my Mum's (online) paperwork in order and it meant I could listen to my choice of music! Apparently, my choice of music is "too young"...? It seems Mozkai and Alex Spite come under this heading (who'd have thought, eh, ha ha?). Anyway, Currently playing Sirius by Alan Parsons Project...
Thought for the day:
"I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music." (Billy Joel)
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