Views of my world

By rosamund


My girl's got buckets of the stuff! Second in class at the music festival for 'girl's solo vocal 14 and under scots song'. We're back tomorrow with a change of pace think its mixed solo class doing The Bare Necessities. She was on at ten to nine tonight which meant I missed knitting, I had my phone on silent but my 'don't forget to pick Freya up from guides' alarm went off, thankfully between performances, I was widely tutted and deeply mortified nonetheless.

Work was pretty nonstop all day, we have to submit an annual return to the Care Inspectorate for the nursery but every year the government adds in more questions so they can sook out the data. Now I need to find out about my water management policy and how it protects against legionella. I've never been so glad I looked at it early, the deadline is a few weeks away yet, which is just as well.

The portraits in the shot are Freya's school work, she's in 3rd year which means her coursework will be for the new exams which are being invented introduced through Curriculum for Excellence. Her school uses traffic lights for assessment and she wanted me to tell you she got green* (the star means better than a normal 3rd year) so she is delighted and I think they're amazing.

With all the excitement I'm ready for bed.
Night all.

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