Playing catch (Day 1758)

Today was a day for sorting stuff out and getting ready to head off to Sanday tomorrow to fit another biomass boiler.
I headed to town for provisions, then back home to do a bit of clearing up before lunch with  my beautiful wife. After lunch, we took the woofers a  wander at Lyde. The dogs enjoyed themselves in the patches of snow on the ground, and waited expectantly for snowballs to be thrown.
When HV made her way to work later, I took the dogs through to Mum and Dad who will look after them until HV finishes her 24 hour shift tomorrow. By the time I was home, Phil had shown up and we spent a while discussing the job in Sanday which we will head across to on the first boat tomorrow morning. We had a trip into town to meet up with HV and Isla for a curry.

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