
By LifeLines

Simple Life

Many thanks for all your good well wishes - you're such a wonderful bunch of people and have lifted my spirits no end.  I feel improved today although still very feeble and washed out.  I thought it would do me good to get out in the fresh air, especially as the sun has been shining.  The wind was pretty gusty (around 43 mph) as I walked to the allotment.  All seemed well there and I picked some spinach and Swiss chard to have with dinner.  I was really cheered to see that the blackcurrant bush cuttings I put in the ground earlier in the year have buds on them - there's a way to go yet but its looking good so far!  Also the gooseberry bushes which were very overgrown and which I pruned back hard also have little leaves on them - exciting! 

On the way back I stopped at the stream which is quite high after all the rain we had yesterday and last night.  I think we are now due for some drier days so it should drop a bit, although as we are next to the South Downs, it will probably remain high for some time as it takes weeks for the water to drain out of the hills and reach the stream.

Aside from reading the news, a few hours of revision have been done for an anatomy exam I have next Saturday and I've ordered a jet wash so we can clean the patio and paths.  Meantime, Andy is out to collect a cordless screwdriver so we can construct some raised beds we've bought for the garden.  The plan is to use them to grow salad and flowers.  Hopefully the garden will look more finished once they are in place and full of plants.

My sister tells me she did Park Run this morning and recorded her best time so far - just over 27 minutes I think.  I'm impressed given its cold, wet and windy out but especially so given she has never been sporty or competitive nor run until she started Park Run 18 months ago.  I guess that is the great thing about the movement, its inclusive and accessible, compared to so many other similar  things.

So, some positives of simple local life help to keep my spirits up whilst pondering the state of the world - be it coronavirus, climate change, refugees and suspected war crimes......  Happy Saturday to you all!

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