Wee A.

Over to Lyall’s first thing to look after James while Lyall relieved Fifi at the hospital. After a shower and change of clothes Fifi returned with James to see A. We went to the shops and were about to return home when Fifi texted to say they were allowed to take A out for a walk in her pram. We were close by and did a wee detour to surprise A while she was out her walk.

James wanted to come home with us. After lunch we took him on the bus to Stirling. It was a lovely sunny afternoon.

Lyall collected James and we went back to the hospital with Chloe. John took Chloe for a walk in the grounds and I popped in to see A. She is a brave wee girl and I thought she was quite subdued. Her temperature fluctuates and she has to stay another night in hospital. She was pleased to see Uncle Andrew and Grandpa too.

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