
By FarmerGirl

New Zealand Fur Seal


Today we went to Kaikoura for a funeral of a relation who died suddenly. Kaikoura, on the East Coast of the South Island, is three and a half hours from Murchison, so it was a long day with a total of 7 hours travelling.

We left Kaikoura late afternoon, and stopped on the way to take some photos of the New Zealand Fur Seal, which were scattered along the rocks on the Coast line. When we arrived, these two were sunbathing. A train came along (the line was across the road), and the seals instantly sat up with the noise, and posed beautifully for the camera. To find out more about the seal, click here.

We stopped in Blenhiem on the way and had dinner, and continued on home.

Have a look at the photo on large - these marine mammals are rather impressive!

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