Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

One more week...

Can't believe I'm saying this, but I am looking forward to the boy going back to school in a week. These summer holidays have been chaotic, and now that we've done just about all I can afford, I have a very bored, manic little boy to deal with. Getting some routine back will be divine.

Today I had to go looking for a new phone. The one I have now is hopeless and drives me mad. Thankfully a mate of mine works at the nearby phone shop, and knows what the boy can be like. One of the girls working started sweeping in preparation to close, and it was suggested by my mate to let the boy sweep. He likes helping, and it stopped him running rampant long enough to discuss phone options, and order in my choice.

The day the phone arrives is the day the boy returns to school.
.......... One week to go.

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