
By Cygnus


I forgot my glasses today! I couldn’t see what I was painting, as I use my glasses for reading and close-up work. I could see the tutor’s demo ok, but once it came to putting paint to paper I was on a magical mystery tour!

This is meant to represent a rainy day in Newcastle, County Down. There were meant to be cars in the picture too, but that was a step too far for me as I couldn’t see well enough to draw anything. I’d sketched the ‘bones’ of the picture: the buildings, hills and greenery, last night at home - when I was wearing my glasses.

I’m not sure if fuzzy painting with blurry vision is an improvement on clear sight? My tutor also pointed out that I was using the wrong paper, as the sort I was using didn’t really allow softening of edges. Grahame is much into softening of edges....

Well, that’s Monday started, anyway! Tonight I’m taking the GCSE Maths class as the ‘proper’ teacher is off elsewhere. I’ll be teaching about transformations: reflection, rotation, translation and enlargement. I’ve got the terminology, at any rate!

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