Missing you

When my daughters, son-in-law and granddaughter were staying with us just after Christmas, the Ards Man and I mostly kept to the request to have just one or two presents for the Gusling (our granddaughter).

Since she was staying with us for almost a week (Eeeeeee!) we also got some things for her to play with which would always stay here with us, rather than travel back home with the Gusling. A chalkboard/whiteboard easel from IKEA was one of the ‘nana and grandad’ things and much fun was had with chalk, paint and pencils.

The easel stays in our dining room and when I’m in that room or passing by I always get a wee pang of longing for my lovely little granddaughter, who lives a ferry journey or flight away from us. When it gets too much I text my daughter to arrange a visit! I think I’ve done very well since Christmas, but I cracked a week or so ago and so flights have been booked for March.

Love is a wonderful thing!

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