Lent 2020 day 6

Lent 2020 day 6: (the pictures today are of two of the times I slowed down... there’s a pattern to my behaviour when I slow down! Allegra’s babyccino at Under Pressure this morning in the extra and chamomile tea picked on Mum and Dad’s land and brought back by Paul who came back today.)

’Slow down. Take a deep breath. What’s the hurry? Why wear yourself out? Just what are you after anyway? But you say, “I can’t help it. I’m addicted to alien gods. I can’t quit.”’ (Jeremiah 2:25, The Message)

@katherinemaxi writes:
“Perfectionism. Busyness. People pleasing. These are the ‘alien gods’ I find myself clinging to. A constant need to succeed and impress informs my decisions, lifestyle and relationships. While indulging these ‘gods’ can bring a short-lived buzz, ultimately they leave me feeling drained, disconnected and lifeless.

The Lord’s call to ‘slow down’ is welcome. In slowness there is time to check in with ourselves, those around us and God. To ask if our lifestyles are sustainable – for our own mental health, the good of our relationships and the future of creation.

Slowing down forces me to consider if I am living well. The creator invites me into an abundance which is about more than personal achievements. It is a life of connection: with people, with planet and the one who breathes hope into my being.”

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