Kit's Year

By Kit267

At Least The Wind Was Dropping

A mooching morning whilst Sushi was off manning the fryer all day at our local McD’s and Mr Kit was busy painting the bedroom ceiling.

After lunch I headed up to the yard and decided to long rein China, (if you were wondering what on earth I was on’s using two long lines, one each side attached to the bridle as I walk behind, using the lines to direct him). I used to long rein Johnny a lot and could take him up the road and around the fields.

I have tried China a while ago but he didn’t get the hang of it, he was tense and wouldn’t walk forward so I didn’t bother again. Today I decided to have another go and I was so pleased as he was so much better and really happy to walk forward and relax over his back. I was delighted as it is showing he is really gaining confidence, is far more forward thinking and he is happy for me to be behind and out of sight without panicking.

By the time I had finished and was leaving, the sun was starting to set, but at least the wind was dropping. It would be nice to have one weekend without 40 mph winds...please!

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