
By OCDman

Nice sky, Shame about the roads

Well what else can you do when the traffic on your way home grinds to a halt because the road is like a skating rink and two cars about a mile ahead both ended up pointing the wrong way after trying to accelerate too hard after coming of a roundabout and you also have your camera to hand.

So I thought we had here the makings of a possible red sky which will mean that the temperature will drop and the roads in the morning will probably be fit to host international curling.

Saying that I left home at 06.00 this morning after four inches of snow fell last night thinking it would take me hours to get to work like it has in past days only to find that the main roads were well gritted and ploughed and I was in work at 06.30. It was that mans law coming into force again.

Some people like me are never happy.

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