
By OCDman

Bin the Snowman

Due to high winds last night which caused quite a bit of drifting the dustbin by my garage got 30% covered in the white stuff. I am hoping for a bit more tonight to get full coverage so all I have to do tomorrow is apply the carrot and bits of coal. Getting into the garage was also a bit of a faff and involved some digging but when supper is in the freezer in the garage then you do what it takes.

Quality of the picture is a bit poor because I was also trying to defrost the cars at the same time in my slippers so it was point and shoot before my toes fell of with frostbite. Lesson learnt on that one.I find it quite sad that I am so into taking pictures at anytime that I take my small camera out with me when defrosting the cars but it is much fun.

Also how sad is it that this was the best I could do in a day but then these days happen when nothing appears to be photographed and then like buses three good ones turn up the next day.

Roll on summer.

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