
After the lymph therapy exercise I visited the museum centre Vapriikki, because I wanted to see the Nature Photo of the Year 2019 exhibition. 

I also had a quick tour in Ostia, Gateway to Rome exhibition. Ostia was located at the former mouth of the river Tiber, around 25 kilometres from Rome. Ostia is one of the best-reserved cities of the Roman Empire. On display are objects relating to the city Of Ostia and everyday life within it: statues, amphorae, money, gaming chips, toys, jewellery.... During Ostia's heyday in the 100s and 200s, it was a lively trade and seafaring center with about 50,000 inhabitants. Bread and wine traveled to Rome through Ostia, along with new ideas. Dozens of different nationalities, who practiced about 20 different religions, lived in Ostia.

0°C, cloudy morning, blizzard starting from early afternoon

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