Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Hi Line, New York

Bb got a recommendation to go to the Hi Line from a work colleague. What a fab place! It's an old disused merchandise railway turned into elevated urban walkway. Of course, it's a bit out of season, but I loved seeing the trees getting ready to bloom. New life! It must be lovely in the spring. There was a sign saying that the dead plants aren’t being cut back as they provide a haven for bugs etc, which help to eat the less-friendly pests. The area was a really interesting mix of modern architecture, derelict buildings and even some art nouveau. Loved it! Have put on quite a few extras and will take them off when I run out. And clocked up over 22,000 steps by the of the day.

Just added another extra of the jazz band Spin Cycle, who we saw in Smalls Jazz Club tonight, recommended by blipper RichardHaas. Soooo good, thanks Richard!

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