Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Sad Sizzling Sausages

These sausages must have been disappointed to be paired with beans and chips tonight as had they eavesdropped on our conversation this afternoon, they'd have thought they were going to be cooked in a delicious oven dish with apples, blackberries, honey, onions, honey and other such delights.  Not to be though as the duty chefs were both too tired and so it was sausages, beans and bought-in chips from our local Turkish place.  The 'other' dish is from a new edition to our shelves.  Bb may blip it another day.  We didn't eat all those sausages of course!  Some will be used in a quiche.  That's if we don't eat them cold straight from the fridge first! 

My sessions went fine this morning and the trainees seemed to really enjoy them and said the time flew by.  Just as well really as we started at 8.00 and finished at 3.00 and so even with an hour for lunch, that's still 6 hours online.  

This is really for my own records so stop reading now :-)  but today I learnt that if you screen share in the break out rooms in Zoom and use the draw function on the Zoom annotation tool, only the person sharing their screen sees the drawing appear live and the others only see it when it's finished.  I was getting the trainees to draw on the phonemic chart to 'spell' words using sounds, so the order of the sounds appearing was important!  They came up with 2 solutions: circle each sound, stop, circle the next one, stop and so on or number the sounds.  Need to remember this for next time!  Yet another tweak. 

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