
By cakescakescakes

It had to be cake.....

And it had to be chocolate cake!
A cracking day today as long as you wrapped up well; infact very well! We had some lovely sunshine and bright skies but it was quite spectacularly cold. A brisk dog walk certainly blew the cobwebs away and almost tired the dogs out......who am I kidding; by the time I'd driven home they were out of the car and horsing round the garden like eejits!
Still the good news is the boys are getting better and a request was made for chocolate cake so that is what I made!
Parent's night went really well last night and I came home all proud and glowy about S. He was very worried about the whole thing; he is a wee worrier generally so it was great being able to give him lots of positive feedback. He must take after his mother, lol!

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