
By cakescakescakes


I'm only joking of course. No-one is getting my boys, ever! There has even been talk of Bruce being a Daddy but there is just the slight problem that I would of course have to have one of the puppies. Cue Mr Cakes mad panicking face!
It took me 8 years to persuade him to get Bruce, only 6 more and we got Caley so by rights it should only be 2 more and we can get another. Three Labradors would be no trouble!
Our walk was like rush hour this morning; we met Meg our favourite Spaniel and her owner and another lady walker. We get so used to the walks to ourselves that we take bad to 'other people' having the cheek to go on them too!
In boy news L has made it to school and it looks like he's going to manage all day. S still off but much improved. Thank goodness. And it's almost the weekend!

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