Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Starring in the Star Inn ...

A group of us went to the pub after work in Guildford for what I had planned would be a quick one but which turned into a mini session. Extraordinarily sociable and very witty conversation. Nice beer and the best chips and onion rings I’ve eaten in a long time. Like The Star ...

This was on the back of a genuinely gruelling and long day in the office, so was not undeserved. At the end of the evening a woman at the next table went to leave and said that she had enjoyed eavesdropping on our conversation and found it enormously entertaining. High praise. Although her and her friend had drunk two bottles of wine ...

Other news: 

First UK death from coronavirus.
More pigs reported this morning on A3 slip road
Don’t kiss your dog you could give it ... you know what ... (but it can’t give it to you).

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