Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Spring blossoms

I managed to do some laundry and get the grocery shopping done this morning before I went to RHS Wisley to meet a friend. Xena was out with P the dog walker and it was such a beautiful sunny day, such a contrast to the foul weather of yesterday that I knew she would have a great time out.

We started off with a coffee before walking around the gardens - they do make an excellent coffee there. There were a few spring bulbs out, and the lawn covered in crocus always makes such a beautiful sight. However I liked all the pink blossoms that were in flower, they looked especially pretty against the blue sky.

Xena usually arrives home rather muddy after her dog walk, but P has added a new service of providing a dog bath after the walk - so much better to receive a clean dog home after her dog walk! She is 9 months old today and has had a lovely day out, and is now snoozing in her favourite chair.

Looking forward to watching the England vs Wales rugby match tomorrow. 

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