Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Morning walk

Gavin forgot to change his alarm clock setting from his usual week day 6am time so that was a rude awakening this morning. After breakfast we went out for a walk with Xena, it was dull today but not too cold. I regularly bump into a man with his three little French bulldogs, one of each colour in black, white and brown, and the white one which is a puppy always runs over to say hello to me, it is just so cute.

A photo today of Xena on her walk. Sad to see the Hungarian Vizslas were given about 30 seconds TV air time on Crufts...

After the walk we went for a coffee at our local cafe and then decided to also order smashed avo on toast with some chilli  for lunch, which was delicious. 

It has been a productive day. During the week I ordered 6 prints for a social club exhibition that is held annually - they arrived today so Gavin mounted them for me and I will drop them off next week. Gavin then repaired a tiny bit of damage to the ceiling from a leak and it looks good - it would have been a huge job to replace the entire ceiling so I think this is a good solution. Gavin and I also had a 'family financial meeting' which I find totally boring and which I hate doing - despite my training as an accountant and my years working in finance, these days my eyes glaze over as soon as the subject is mentioned. But it is necessary as one has to plan for the future...

The panic buying due to Coronavirus is getting a bit silly. Yesterday there were extra long queues to get into the supermarket parking and of course no sanitiser, liquid handwash, or paracetamol on the shelves plus many tinned foods were in short supply. This article is worth a read.

I am now about to start watching the rugby...should be an interesting game.

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