Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Frosty and chilly morning. Fortunately this little newly planted plant can handle chilly temperatures.
My morning started with me almost missing my bus. The bus was very kind to me, because it didn't start as it should, so I made it! And I wasn't the only one... there were many people running to the bus and our bus driver was kind enough to wait for them all. 
When I came to work we were only 5 persons there... two more came, so we were seven in total. People are sick left and right. Fortunately this week we haven't had so much to do. Most is sown, replanted and fixed. Next week will be more work. I spent most of my work hours unwrapping a passionflower plant growing on a frame. It took some work to carefully unwrap it and I had to talk to it a bit to make it let go. Then it was replanted in a larger pot and carefully wrap it around another frame made of double circles. It was a bit sad in the end, but I think it'll be ok in a while. :)

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