Signs of spring.

How lovely to see the first signs of Spring. I had a little walk along the canal bank to see if I could find something to blip. Not much happening I'm afraid. The two resident Swans followed me along the path, I felt it would have been rude not to take a quick snap! (Extra).

Jodie's company sent her home to work so I didn't have to get to hers as early as usual - just so I could take Franky to school. It takes 7 minutes to walk from her house to the school but today I drove him to the next street so I could just head off home once he was dropped off. Well, my message to Jodie was to never think of moving to a house where she'd have to drive the kids to school - Nightmare!

The reason Jodie was sent home by her Boss was because someone who works with her has just come back from a Caribbean cruise, and his son just back from Thailand, and she's six months pregnant. Her company weren't happy about that and sent her home while they had discussions with HR. He's been sent home to 'self isolate' even though he feels fine. this COVID-19 virus is certainly worrying. Sounds like the supermarket shelves are being emptied by people panic stockpiling. Doesn't sound like you can get toilet paper for love nor money! What's that all about?

Good to train in the dry and sunshine today, but it seems we need to brace ourselves for more rain tomorrow.

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