Bye London

Today was one of our "well that was quite surreal" days. Yesterday was spectacular, do have a read if you've time, but today was just surrreal. She woke up much earlier than I had expected after her late night but pottered quietly for a couple of hours so not to disturb J&A. She ate her weight in breakfast and we headed off into the city. We arrived at the station with just enough time to play on her swing (in now beautiful sun after yesterdays hideous weather!). We were on the 945 train. Arrived at 1215. She was in school for 1pm! She changed at school into her uniform. Five minutes later she had to change into PE kit. She only did half an hour as she had to go to school orchestra, so had to change again. Then at 250 she had to go change into her ballet uniform!

I dropped her off at the handover point for our lift share and she trotted off to Leeds, almost as though the excitement of yesterday had never happened.

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