So Very Good

Genesis 1v31 is the Lent verse:

God looked over everything he had made;
        it was so good, so very good!
    It was evening, it was morning—
    Day Six.

And one of his best ideas was grapes that transform into wine, to make our hearts happy. This at the Adega at lunchtime, the owner's special glass, to accompany his fat cigar; the rest of us have the traditional smaller glass without a stem.

Then more wine tonight in São Pedro do Corval, where we took Maria-from-the-market and her bloke out to dinner. Invited our Swedish friends there to join us, and then they insisted on paying the bill - I often think humans were a pretty good idea of his as well...

- generous friends, not just G and M, but Maria as well, who's loaded us down with gifts to take to the UK, including a beautiful wedding gift for our daughter
- a generous Creator, so much abundance all around us, the flowers just keep on coming, more and more colours every day
- a bright shining moon high above us, Venus low on the horizon as we drove home, and stars everywhere

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