
By AlrightFlower

Gee-I'm-A-Tree (geddit??)

I was walking past the pool outside Roger Stevens this morning, and noticed the geometric shapes created by, I assume, the fountain pipes. Obviously the fountains aren't functional at the moment, but I guess the pipes must be colder than the water around them since the snow hasn't melted. Or perhaps the crop circle people got bored...

Caught a bit of Gok Wan on the tellybox tonight, teaching some lovely looking girl that she's not ugly and she can flirt if she wants to. I've not followed his shows religiously but, when I do catch them, he always seems to work wonders with women who start off with such low self esteem and, by the end of the show, they're stripping off or flirting left, right and centre. Fair play to him, he must know what he's doing!

And wouldn't he just be fab as a mate?


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