
I had a meeting in London, this morning, at eleven o'clock. The office I was going to is on King Street, which is a couple of miles' walk from Euston. As my train was due in at ten past ten, that was perfect.

Except - the inevitable 'except' when dealing with the trains - Avanti have simply picked up where Virgin Trains left off and over the course of the journey, intermittent announcements first made it clear that I would need to get to King Street on the tube and then finally that I would be late.

So I jogged from the platform at Euston, over the concourse and down to the Victoria Line, and took the tube to Green Park. From there, it was a third of a mile to the office. I didn't know which exit to take and I came out on Green Park itself. 

I knew roughly where I was in relation to the office and set off through the rain, down the side of the park whilst peering at my phone to firm up my route. I could see that I needed to get across to St James's Street and suddenly, to my left, I saw a gap that appeared to lead through the buildings: a tunnel!

For reasons that are too detailed and boring to go into here, the meeting was at my brother's office and after the meeting - I was ten minutes late in the end and everyone was very nice about it - my brother and I went for lunch along with his business partner. 

They mentioned the tunnel as a shortcut and I told them that I had discovered it by accident on my way to their office. My brother told me they once saw David Cameron going through it.

It would have been nice to walk back to Euston but the rain was coming down steadily, so I simply reversed my route back, including the tunnel, and had a far less irritated journey back home for an early dinner with the Minx at La Rocca and then we met Dom for drinks at the Ale Station. 

-10.0 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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