Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Friday — A day with RJ

We woke-up at 4:00 this morning so we could leave about 5:00 to get to RJ’s house close to 6:00 to bring him back to our house for the day while his mommy is teaching high school. This is the first time we have babysat RJ.

He is 8 months old and our youngest great-grandchild. He is the son of our oldest grandchild.

He entertained us all day. He was all “go.” He took two morning naps of approximately 30 minutes and again a short nap in the late afternoon.

We stayed in the new, fairly big, sun room that has new carpet and not much furniture in it yet. He had a great time just playing with his toys.

His mom & dad arrived shortly after 5:00 p.m. to get him. It was fun watching his expression when they arrived. Obvious excitement.

We enjoyed our day immensely, and yes, we were tired.

From SoCal,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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