Bath time
Hartbeeps this morning - theme was bathtime. Chloe wasn't amused with the hat! She spent a lot of the session stood up, watching ollie and finley walking and attempting afew steps herself. She can now do afew steps and then sit down rather than doing afew steps and throwing herself forwards. She's getting there!!
I pottered around cleaning and tidying today whilst Ben was at home to look after Chloe. This has become our normal Monday routine and works well for both of us - I get the time to do jobs which I'd struggle doing with Chloe following me around, and Ben gets to spend time just him and Chloe.
Thomas was at football after school, he came home and did his homework. Researching an animal which lives under water - he chose a shovel nose guitar fish (out of the same book as his ahaha wasp from world book day!) somehow I don't think anyone else in his class will have chosen that animal!!
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