Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths

Lying Around

So, today was the big day. A few weeks ago I had some symptoms, meaning I needed some tests. Well actually, more a camera up a certain orifice ...

No eating for 2 days, several lots of preparation to "flush you out", and then the big event.

It all seemed to go pretty quick, but I think that was helped along by a decent sedative. I recall watching the screen and process, but being disconnected from it, and having no idea of time.

And then it was over, this slightly groggy self portrait in bed, took a few attempts to reach my phone. Then home and food.

And the results? All good. So yes, quite a relief. Friday night gin will be all the sweeter tomorrow!

Edit: I'm looking at this the next morning and realising how I wasn't completely with it last night, I'm surprised I even found my phone to be honest to take the photo! Feeling good and glad it's all over, and thanks for the kind comments ;-)

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