My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

A Clown for Joy

My collegue, the Grade R teacher, made 25 of these little clowns (about 10cm long) for her class's birthday chart. Such a lot of time and detail and of course love went into the making of them. She is a wonderful person and I am so fortunate to have her teach next to me. She has a wealth of knowledge which I know I will learn from.

Today I introduced my Gingerbread theme. We went to
make a Gingerbread Man in the canteen and when we came back to fetch him, he had run away! The children's excitement was incredible to see, I hadn't expected that!

Monday went well even though I was playing a game of catch-up most of the time. In the evening we held our parent meeting and I had to talk to my class's parents regarding my expectations for the year. It went off well and I hope they will continue to support me as I take their chidren on a road of self-discovery.

We sat in our outdoor amphitheatre and I was able to see Jupiter which was very close to the moon tonight.

"The only true measure of success is the amount of joy we are feeling."
~ Abraham Hicks

My Joy Today:
~ Seeing Jupiter in the night sky.
~ Surviving my first parents evening.


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