These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Chaos on the home front!

Based on the picture, you would never guess the chaos that's been going on around our house. I went to bed last night gearing up for the busiest day of my month! I was a little overwhelmed, but was mentally prepared for all the events today was to bring. We had Kiah, the dentist, meeting on campus, photo shoot, Corned Beef Dinner all on the agenda. The agenda got changed slightly when Tyler woke up at midnight having a croup fit and couldn't breath! I hauled him outside bare foot in my underwear until he could breathe a little better and then he spent the rest of the night in the bathroom with the shower producing steam off and on all night.

It was a long night and really messed with the plan of the day! We ended up with a few minor adjustments but made it through the day just fine. Tyler has to take cough medicine he can't stand and getting him to take it is really fun. I had another encounter with the studio lights and survived it but really wish I knew a little more. My Dad joined us for corned beef and cabbage and played Tyler in a few games of PIG - Mia entertained us all with her hilarious sense of humor - Jenni got me laughing on the phone so hard I now have a headache - and it's about time to climb in bed. Overall, a successful day. I'm just hoping for a more successful night!

PS: This picture was taken during Tyler's game of PIG with Papa Thomas. He was so excited to play that even when Tyler won, he convinced Papa that Papa only had P-I so that the game could go on. Josh was giving him a big " I love you and you crack me up hug" in this picture!

Goodnight all!

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