Same or different?

Certainly nothing different about the weather! Planned to visit a friend not far away this morning and looked out several time to confirm that it wasn't raining. It wasn't. Set off, only for the heavens to open, so took the car instead of walking. 

The other day I noticed some online nursery or other selling plugs of the Mexican Fleabane, Erigeron karvinskianus, which I'd grown at Arduaine. Lovely little pink and white daisies which sow themselves around gently in crevices. This new variety is called 'Sea of Blossom', and it sounded different. They arrived today and I potted them up. I'm not sure how different they are, but I'm sure they'll be lovely!

Quote of the day:

Beverley Nichols, 'Merry Hall' - "It is all rather sad. The gardens of Britain were once a long green gallery of masterpieces; they will soon be only a memory. For all gardens need gardeners, if they are not to suffer a swift and maybe irreparable degeneration."

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