Arty Farty & Coronavirus

Today we had nothing to blip so here is an arty farty photo of my paws in the sunshine while I was sleeping.

Unfortunately the sunshine didn't last for long and when I went for my afternoon play in the park I got absolutely soaked through to my skin.

And my other two walks today were just trekking around the streets on my lead so no photo opportunities there I'm afraid.

And in other news.................... Perhaps this Coronavirus thing is now beginning to get a bit scary?! Italy in total lock-down, America banning all flights from mainland Europe, Ireland closing schools, Scotland banning events with more than 500 people???? ….................Somehow Ann doesn't think she's going to make it to Seville next weekend?! Perhaps we should start stock-piling toilet rolls and pasta and dog food?! Hmmmmm..................... a few days ago Ann was really aching and thought she might be getting flu. Maybe it was Coronavirus or may be she was just aching due to working too hard at Pilates. How do you know if you've got a fever if you don't own a thermometer? Nobody seems to be stock-piling thermometers! And if you want to get tested, where do you go? …...........And if Ann were to self-isolate because she thought she had it; would it be acceptable to take me out on my walks providing she didn't stop to talk to anyone? How on earth can a single person with a gorgeous little collie pup self isolate if they live in a fourth floor flat and don't have a garden for me to play in? Scary times, but heyho, we're the lucky ones. We're both fit and healthy so are not high risk even though Ann is over 60. Lol!

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