
Yesterday was bad enough but today was truly grim.
I missed the best of the day first thing as I moved stuff from A to B and did a bit of clearing before the chimney sweep. I was going to walk before he was due but it was so dire that I went to get some paint and made a start on the kitchen. As I painted I was listening to a radio play but then I heard the news and felt that I had landed right in the middle of a J.G.Ballard novel. Once the sweep had finished and we’d put the world to rights I went down to the lake for a quick blast, literally. It was wild but still light at 6pm.
...oh, and the toilet roll thing. I went into Sainsbury’s and the shelves were almost devoid of toilet rolls except for the recycled ones. I always get those anyway but was interested to note that most people clearly don’t. It seems that even in the midst of their virus panic folk don’t want recycled toilet roll.

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