I have decided to “self isolate”, not in a COVID-19 way but from the incessant telephone calls, both mobile and land line, texts, e-mails, the demands upon my time and the pressure to immediately respond, not from family but external groups, associations etc. I find that increasingly my mobile spends longer on ‘airplane’ mode, not that it helps, just means everything arrives in one rush when I switch back on.

Josh and I nipped out to Sainsbury’s for instant coffee and the ingredients for wraps and although pre-warned through the press were amazed to see the areas of shelving that should have held dried pasta, toilet rolls, hand sanitiser, bread and eggs! empty but all the liquid hand soap was still there though which I find strange as hand sanitiser isn’t as effective as soap and water.

An evening as ‘Dads Taxi’ dropping Joshuas friend Sam home after their night out.

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