Early morning call for a 2 day job at a school near New Cross....really didn’t want to drive for an hour nearly into the city and parking would be !?£!?&! So I said “no thank you”. The Rev is worried if I turn jobs down I won’t get offered any. However 10 mins later they called again begging me to reconsider just for today....looking on goggle maps it was in fact only 35 mins away and there was free parking.
I’m so glad I accepted it....lovely school, supportive staff and great pupils. In the morning there was another teacher with me he did wind them up into a frenzy by “over” joking with them so had to play the horrible stern teacher in the afternoon but it was fine we had a good session and I’m coming back tomorrow.
Phew....tutor session cancelled due to sickness (and her brother tomorrow). Also didn’t go swimming as blocked ear still not quite quiet evening appreciated.

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