Two steps forward...

By stevvi


A bit of a cheat here as these photos were taken last night, but I thought it would be a shame to let them go to "waste" so here they are.

Meet Willis, the nephew of a lady at my camera club. We had a "studio" night where a member brought in his lights/strobes etc. and folks played around with them. Seeing as everyone was taking the same shots with the same look, I chose not to use the full lighting, preferring instead to shoot with ambient light and the "test" light put out by the additional equipment to get something a little different.

Post-processing has been "interesting" as it soon became apparent I have no idea how to deal with handsome young men! It's all been a bit hit and miss with the main task being softening the harsh light I captured. That said, I reckon the end results are OK :)

Have a great weekend!

Edit: Extra removed to make space!

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