Eat like a ....
..... King at breakfast,
eat like a Prince at lunch and like a pauper at supper ! That's how the saying goes , my old GP ( when I was 1st married) used it so often, and of course it's true this had been
the advised way of eating for years and years . Now it's don't eat after 6 pm ! As I knew I'd be quite busy today ( am anyway) and this afternoon J came to do my pedicure/ massage and brows and waxing . So it's now 6.20 pm not feeling like going out to get a blip , so , breakie it had to be. We did have fresh fruit first so it wasn't too bad really! Or was it?
"A" and I managed to start the tidying of the garden , loads to do but weather will dictate that I'm afraid.
Do hope Friday had been good to you all in blip land .
Grateful ..... for so many things , two of which are (1) having my pedicure (2) help in the garden.
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