Belated .....
....... Birthday gift!
Don't you just love it when your birthday extends to another month? J gave me these beautiful roses yesterday. As I didn't see her in February I had this added surprise of a late birthday gift .
This has been a mixed " bag" of weather, with showers and some light sun. It remains on the cool side temperature wise.
Chores for Saturday - - -
# load of washing
# shop for just one item ( forgotten on Wednesday)
# prepare meal for Sunday
Finally a trip to the hairdressers.
Wanted to have a short walk but as it was raining hard I gave that a miss since I'd just had my hair done.
I've had phone calls from my two lovelies this afternoon which was great to chat.
Saturday for you out there I'm sure had been good too. Enjoy your evening all.
Grateful ..... to feel a bit of heat from the central heating , must say it's very dull now not inviting for ones mood!!
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