Double Shot Mummy


Bailee's man

Bailee drew this 'man' today; isn't she clever?! She has done them before (Oscar is not interested in drawing people!) but this is the first I have photographed.

Oscar drew a dinosaur :-)

Today was a public holiday in Dubai so it was nice to have daddy home :-) He took the twins seperately for a "shoulder ride around the running track". Later it was revealed he actually took Bailee to Costa's but they did enjoy eating chips. Bailee especially loves nothing more than a shoulder ride!

Maple was very grizzly today. She had the least sleep she has ever had in the day :-( Poor baby, she was so tired. I pulled out all the shots and in the end even the sling wouldn't settle her for an extended nap (She had two 45 minute naps in it). I decided it was time to introduce Baby Einsteins: an old favourite of Oscar and Bailee's. She watched it for 90 minutes in her bouncy chair giggling and kicking before having a bath and going down for her night sleep. What a bad mummy I am letting her watch all that tv! I would have lost sleep over it with Oscar and Bailee but now I know better! We can't be the perfect mummy all the time, in fact perfect is not perfect.

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