Double Shot Mummy


Birthday Party

Wow! Maple slept a full 9 hours last night :-) Shame I didn't go to bed earlier!

Aside from Maple, we were all a bit tired and grumpy this morning. We mucked along until the twins went down for their nap. I then decided I'd better do the 'weekly' (I wish), grocery shop. So armed with baby and list we headed off to Waitrose.

Maple suddenly got ravenous in the supermarket. She'd had a huge, boob-deflating feed about an hour before we left so I thought we'd be safe. She completely kicked off and was obviously hungry, so much so that a couple of elderly people decided to whisper loudly, "That baby needs a bottle!" We had two items left on the shopping list and I quickly had to decide between the following options:

1. Feed Maple there and then in Waitrose (On the floor perhaps?).
2. Dump the trolley, which I'd just spent an hour filling and feed Maple on the (Hopefully empty) bench outside the shop.
3. Feed Maple in the toilets (Not an option for us to be honest).
4. Dump trolley, run with baby in sling to get the cheese and coconut milk. Go through check out and feed wriggly, brake-dancing baby in the comfort of our car.

Right or wrong, we went for option four as I didn't want to waste the time spent on our shopping and we needed the food. Also, I knew Maple would have a much better feed in the car. The check out queue was short and we were in the car quite quickly. I managed to calm her down by playing 'throwing up in the air' games while we waited to be served.

In the afternoon we went to Harrison's 3rd birthday party. It was Maple's first ever and Oscar and Bailee's first children's party since being in Dubai and the twins had a blast. Maple wore a very cute party dress from her godparents in NZ :-) Things haven't changed; Oscar had more than his fair share of cake and turned a slightly greenish colour.... They had a fabulous time running around, playing with the other children and we went home armed with more biscuits and marshmallow balls.

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