A bit of Snow !!

Believe it or not someone lives down this track, but they do
have another way they can get out, this track will be one of
the last to be cleared and it will not be the council, it will be
down to a friendly farmer !!
I had an emergency dental appointment this afternoon, as
my crown had become loose, well after an xray the root had
cracked, so much discussion with my lovely dentist who I have
been going to for over 30 years, it was to take it out there and then
Well the jags were sore, he did the dirty deed and I was very
brave, then as soon as he put the seat up I started shaking it
was awful, I had a bit of shock/panic attack, they had to bring
in Mr L who held my hand, it didnt last long, but it was a
horrid feeling, Im such an eejit when it comes to dental stuff.
Anyhoo I am home now and I am fine, except for the dribbling
cos the numbness is wearing off :-)))
Hope your all having a lovely day.

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