Good ol Mr L and Big Bertha

They have made a track around the field so it's easier to walk the
dogs, plus they are going to make a flat track down the hilly part
of the field so we can go out sledging, we didn't have enough snow
last year, but the years before that it was so much fun, and walking
back up the hill to sledge back down kept us fit.
It's been snowing all day we have about a foot of snow and heaps
of drifting snow, we are supposed to have a dry day tomorrow with
some sun, hope that's so.
Happy Burns Day everyone.
Oh I didn't realise I had done 600 blippery blips yesterday how
amazing is that, well it is for me :-DDD
Thank you for all your lovely wishes for my detist trip you are such
lovely people.
Hope your all haveing a good day.

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