Lambs in raincoats

I try to keep my targets practical - I'm mostly vegetarian, I try to use as little plastic as possible - and that gives me a good chance of achieving my green goals. And, in a perverse way, I'm glad that the climate crisis is upon us; it was always on its way* and now it's bad enough that we're beginning to do something about it. So it's nice to contribute to what is becoming a group effort and to feel that one might achieve something.  

But one thing I really enjoy doing which is distinctly not green is going for a drive. On my own it can be quite meditative but I do like a bit of company, too. This afternoon, the Minx and I drove out to Thornton in Lonsdale and thence across to Dent. At the moment, I think it's my favourite drive. 

We came back through Barbondale and then took the road back to the old Kirkby Lonsdale train station. It was a day of mixed weather: we'd had a little bit of sun and some heavy rain. As we were passing a field, I stopped to take a the photo above. It was the Minx who noticed the lambs' raincoats (see my Extra).

* As an aside, I remember Midnight Oil's environmental anthem 'Beds Are Burning',which came out in 1987. Even then, environmental concerns were nothing new. A significant minority of people worried about it a lot and everyone else just ignored it.

-9.9 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend

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