Whisky experience

When I was about sixteen, I went out with a girl whose older brother had such a sensitive palate that when the family changed kettle he insisted they keep the old model because he preferred his tea made with water boiled in that one. 

Many years later I worked and socialised with a chap who could, with a fair degree of accuracy, name the grape in a bottle of wine and the country it came from. He occasionally attempted to pass this skill on to me but while I could tell the difference between two wines when tasting them side by side, I was otherwise a lost cause. 

Which brings me on to my friend, Ash, who is a whisky buff. Recently, I went out for a meal with him and John, when he mused that he was thinking of having a few friends 'round one evening to try some of his large (150 bottles, I think) whisky collection. Bearing in mind that the whiskies are all on the expensive side, this promised to be quite a treat and I'm glad to say I was invited along for the tasting session, which took place this evening. 

It was a lovely do; me, Ash, John, plus three other friends of Ash's. Our host had laid on loads of great food plus, of course, there were the whiskies. Well, it's true to say that I enjoyed some more than others - it seems I like a peaty whisky - but, to be honest, I was unable to detect the many 'notes' associated with some of the whiskies. I just don't think I have a very sophisticated palate.

Fortunately there was no test at the end and it was a splendid evening all 'round. If you can indeed judge a man by his friends, then Ash truly is the tremendous chap I've always believed him to be. 

-11.3 kgs
Reading: 'Jog On' by Bella Mackie

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