Dog on display

Today it was an unusual day at work because I got to leave at around 10am to go and see the exhibition about whisky in the Scottish Parliament. It was rather interesting. There I met my friend Alex, who I hadn't seen for ages! It was really good to see him too.

On my way back to work, I spotted this wee doggie sitting at a shop window. At the beginning I thought it was just a dog statue, but then it moved, so I decided to take a picture. It looked very cute in there!

Work was fine with nothing of particular mention happening. On my way back home I came across my friend Mirek painting his watercolours in the street again. At least today it wasn't snowing!

Then, when I got on the bus, two random guys started talking to me, one from Venezuela and another one from Mallorca. They kept me entertained on my bus journey back home. Nice guys!

Home now and back to work tomorrow. Feeling a bit tired because last night I couldn't sleep due to my sore lower back, so I'm hoping to get some sleep this evening.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments on my birds on the harbour! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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